Quickly test your business foundation, marketing, systems, and revenue readiness to see if your small business can handle additional growth right now.
Question 1 of 7
Do you have a clear business mission, vision, and core values?
Sure do!
Kind of
Not really
Question 2 of 7
How consistent is your monthly revenue?
Super consistent. It's easy for me to see how much is coming in each month and pay bills.
Somewhat consistent. I occasionally have cashflow issues, but overall, I am pretty stable.
Not consistent at all. It's hard to predict how much comes in each month, and it can cause a lot of stress.
Question 3 of 7
Do you have a structured marketing plan in place?
Yes! My marketing is consistently driving new leads and people into the door.
Sort of. It's a bit hit or miss, but when it hits its great.
No. I couldn't tell you the last lead we got from marketing, or the leads are quite inconsistent at best.
Question 4 of 7
Have you implemented systems or automation to streamline operations?
Absolutely, I couldn't live without my systems and processes.
It could be better, but the systems we do have in place make life easier.
It's chaos over here at least 60% of the time.
Question 5 of 7
Do you have a team or support system in place to help you grow?
Yes! I couldn't do it without my team. They are so helpful and take a lot of ownership.
It's hit or miss. I have some great team members or folks who support us, but it's not consistent.
I can only truly rely on myself.
Question 6 of 7
Do you have financial tracking and budgeting systems in place?
Yes! We track almost down to the penny and it helps me decide where and when to spend or save.
Somewhat. We loosely have a budget and an understanding of how much we should be making and/or spending.
Budget, who?
Question 7 of 7
Do you have a roadmap for scaling your business?
I do! I know exactly where I want to be in 90 days, 6 months and a year from now, and I'm actively taking clear steps to get there.
I have a big picture of where I'd like to be, but I'm having a hard time building the plan to get there.