It's time to finish the year strong.Ā 

The Ultimate Q4 Marketing Plan & Toolkit includes everything you need to finish the year for just $99, including:

Toolkit Features:

Day-by-Day Planner

  • Daily checklists to keep you on track.
  • Strategic insights for every action.
  • Time-saving tips to boost productivity.

Massive Guide of Social Media Prompts

  • 48 copy prompts to engage your audience.
  • Visual content ideas to keep your feed fresh.
  • Explanation of why each post matters for your brand.Ā 

In-Depth Guides for Google, Facebook, and NextDoor Ads

  • Step-by-step instructions for setting up ad accounts and ads.
  • Targeting tips to reach your ideal customers.
  • Optimization strategies for maximum ROI.

Website Optimization Workbook

  • Tips for improving conversion rates and overall engagement.
  • Quick ways to rank higher in searches through minimal changes on your site.
  • A complete blog strategy to help you continuously stay top of mind with clients and customers, without having to go crazy with copywriting.

Community Engagement Ideas

  • Holiday event ideas to draw local crowds.
  • Special promotions to increase foot traffic.
  • Offline engagement tactics to build local loyalty.

Access to Our Exclusive Q4 Success Facebook Group

  • Starts October 1 for all toolkit users.
  • Live weekly Q&A with Lisa, our founder, andĀ daily check-ins.
  • Community support and accountability - you commit to success and we'll make sure you follow through!